Bed Alarms, Chair Alarms, and Fall Alarms

Bed alarms, chair alarms, and fall alarms, perfect if you are taking care of someone that has a potential to fall. They will loudly sound if someone falls.

Bed Alarms, Chair Alarms, and Fall Alarms
Ocelco’s brand of bed alarms, chair alarms, and fall alarms are the most cost effective alarm solutions out there anywhere. Starting at just $13.99 for an Ocelco brand pull string monitor, you cannot find a more cost effective solution to making the home your in safe for the person that you are looking after. A senior or disabled person could fall off of there bed or chair in a separate room. You never know how long they could be there on the ground if your in another room and do not know if they have fallen or not. These alarms are a necessary piece of equipment to keep everyone in you home safe.

Ocelco Ultra Exit AlarmOcelco Pull String Monitor

Bed Alarms, Chair Alarms, and Fall Alarms
Get our optional shock absorber for extra protection against falls. If you have had a different brand of these alarms before you may have had some bad experiences with it breaking when it falls. With this optional shocker absorber you will never have to worry about that happening again. With our low cost bed alarms, chair alarms, and fall alarms you will be doing yourself and your loved one’s a favor by never having to worry when your in different rooms again. Anyone can afford $13.99 for the extra safety you feel for the one you are taking care of.

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